My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?”

This can be a very confusing text for a new believer. This is a quote from Psalm 22:1, and also spoken on the cross of Calvary by our Lord.

I want to keep these posts short and full of “snuff” to keep your attention, so I will jump over the cordials and formalities and get right to the point.

Believer, your sins are gone forever. They will never be counted against you in a damning way in the courtroom of Heaven. Those who are not “In Christ,” will be banished from the saints for all of eternity to pay for their sins against God. Their crimes deserve justice, and justice will be paid by them, but will never be satisfied.

But for those who have been justified, your sins are gone, as far as the east is from the west, from scarlet to white, from impure to pure; but they were not just thrown away. God did not just rid you of sins and throw them in a trash dump never to be seen again.
God placed your sins on His Son.
Your sins were imputed to Jesus Christ, and


Do you see the difference?

God could not just “throw out” your sins, they HAD to be dealt with. God’s justice demands that they were eternally paid for in full-REDEMPTION.

On the cross, Jesus eternally paid the punishment due to those whom He has saved.
But it was not just “Heavenly Paperwork,” not just a formality, but the Son of God, who throughout ALL ETERNITY PAST up until this moment, was in perfect fellowship with the Father. God did not die on the cross, the man Christ Jesus died, who was and is Very God, but for this time that He was nailed to the tree, fellowship was broken. Gods eyes are so pure that He cannot even LOOK UPON SIN, and yet, Jesus became the “object of sin” that God would pour out His wrath on in order to make reconciliation between Him and His elect.

He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21, NASB)

Your sins were not just done away with, they were placed on Christ and He was done away with! Forsaken. Outside the camp. Until His final words when He gave up His life, (it was not taken, He gave it up)


Christian, in baptism and in the Lord’s Supper, we identify ourselves with the life He lived for us, AND the death He died for us.

In Christ Alone, we are forgiven.
Soli Deo Gloria

Outside the camp

Outside the camp