You Will Spend Eternity In One of Two Places

Death is imminent, we all know that. It is the equalizer of all mankind, rich or poor, they both have one thing in common; they will both wither away like fresh cut grass.

“Then what,” you might be asking?

Then the Judgement, whereby, the righteous “In Christ” will be sent to everlasting life with their Creator and fellow saints, and the wicked will be cast down into eternal punishment where they will receive the justice and wrath of God for eternity with no hope of escape.

“I hear a lot of religious talk everywhere, and it all seems like mumbo-jumbo, but do you mind explaining to me what you mean by, “The Righteous In Christ,” says one?

The Righteous In Christ, have a righteousness that is foreign to themselves. Yes, they will go to heaven because of righteousness, but it is NOT their righteousness that gets them there, it is Christ’s perfect righteousness, because He is the only one who possesses righteousness.

All mankind is born in sin and unable to please God, and because of that, we cannot go to heaven unless something outside of ourselves removes the guilt.

Jesus Christ, the God Man, came to this earth to save His people from hell. He lived a perfect, sin free life, honored God the Father perfectly, but was nailed to a cross to die for sins He never committed. But what men meant for evil, God meant for good, because His death on the cross pleased the Father because the sin debt of all God’s chosen ones has been paid. Not only that, Jesus did not only pay for the sins of His people, He also “imputed,” or gave, His righteousness to them!

Everyone born of a woman is commanded to Repent and Believe.

Do not trust in your own good deeds to get you to heaven, Trust in Christ’s.

All who enter the Kingdom of Heaven, do so by believing in the sacrifice of the Son.