Key Biblical Words Defined

Words have meaning. If not defined properly, you’ll miss the entire meaning.

  • Gospel

    -Good News

    -Euangelion (Greek) Where we get the word, “evangelise”.

    -because of your sins against a thrice holy God, you deserve death and eternal punishment. the good news is, that God made a way to save his people from eternal punishment, and bring them into the kingdom of the son of his love.

  • Faith

    -Hebrews 11:1 defines faith as, ‘the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

    -faith is the gift from god, given only to to the regenerate, that causes them to know that the things of god, as written in the scriptures, are true. there is only one faith, and there is no such thing as “blind faith.”

•Grace= the divine work on the heart, whereby God draws you to Him, as in salvation. During sanctification, God will increase grace upon His children in order for them to understand and enjoy His will more, or, He can pull back grace on His children in order to let them “rely on themselves” for a time to ultimately let them see the folly in doing so.

  • Regeneration

    -to be born again, or, born from above.

    -the work of God, whereby, He replaces the dead stony heart of a sinner and replaces it with a heart of flesh that now responds to Him in faith. the act of regeneration is nothing less than a miracle, wrought on by God, in that He raises a man dead in sin, to a life of faith evidenced by works.

  • Salvation

    -The act of being saved by God, for God. from God.

    -Those that were enemies of God from birth, are now, because of salvation, sons and daughters of the Father.

  • Justification

    -to be legally declared righteous before god

    -God does not count the sins committed by the regenerate, because those sins have been paid for by Jesus Christ, through the shedding of His innocent blood in place of the sinner.

  • Imputation

    -on the cross, the sins of all who would ever believe, were laid upon Jesus to suffer and die for.

    -on the cross, at the same time, the absolute, perfect righteousness and “sinlessness” of Jesus Christ was given to all of those who will believe.

    -this doctrine has been rightfully called “the hinge pin” of the gospel, or “the great exchange.”

  • Sanctification

    -Starts at salvation/regeneration and ends at glorification

    -an ongoing act, orchestrated by the Holy Spirit , in which the child of God puts off the old man by putting on the new man.

  • Redemption

    -paid in full

    -a term used in the slave trade, whereby, the former slave is now a free man because the price to purchase him from his former master has been met, and therefore, redemption, from his bondage, is his new reality.

    -Christ redeemed His people from the bondage of sin, not satan; God owes nothing to satan except the eternal punishment that he will endure at the final judgement.