The Doctrines Of Grace explain why salvation is needed and how it is made possible.

This will not be an exhaustive study on the Doctrines of Grace, many great sermons have been delivered on them and many great books written to where I would only at this point be harmonizing the song.

I would like to give a quick charge regarding these doctrines.

Because God is holy, sovereign, just, immutable, and righteous, the sin of every man, which permeates his entire will, necessitates that if man is to be saved, the entire act, starting with predestination, and the rest of the salvific (saving) process; the atonement, the calling, and the persevering to the end, is entirely, absolutely, unmistakably, all of God’s grace and has not one ounce of man’s involvement.

In the act of salvation, start to finish, man cannot sign his name anywhere.

My favorite Jonathan Edwards quote:

“Man contributes NOTHING to his salvation, except the sin that made it necessary.”

Semper Reformanda (Always Reforming)