Heaven’s Requirements For Entry: You Must Be As Perfect As Jesus Christ

I hate click bait-so do you. You see an unbelievable statement trying to get you to visit a website or news article and then you click on it only to find out you’ve been suckered again from someone crying wolf.

This title isn’t click bait, we’ll, maybe it is, but this one is actually true. The only reason anyone would click on a post like this is because the title of the post seems “absurd” at least and blasphemous at most.
But it’s neither, in fact, ITS THE CORE ESSENCE OF THE GOSPEL.

In order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven you must have clean hands, a pure heart, and have not lifted up your soul to idols. Psalm 24.

Well, your hands are filthy because of your vile heart, and all you have ever done while you were unsaved was create idols for yourself.

So, you’ve blown it. You have cancelled all chances of entering the Kingdom of Heaven. You have failed by breaking all 10 Commandments, you have failed by not loving your neighbor as yourself, you have not glorified God with all of your heart, soul, mind, and strength. You have been a rebel against God and dressed yourself up in morality and in the appearance of religion or spirituality.
Because of this, Heaven cannot and will not accept you. There’s not room for you. Everyone in Heaven wears the same clothing, wedding garments, and if you are still in sin, you don’t possess them. Those that are in this miserable state will only hear from the King of that place,

“Depart from Me you workers of iniquity!”

But God…

(the greatest phrase in scripture)

But God sent His Son, who is fully God AND fully man, who COULD NOT SIN, who kept every letter of Gods Law, who has CLEAN HANDS A PURE HEART AND HAS NEVER LIFTED HIS SOUL TO ANYTHING EXCEPT THE FATHER!
He loved the LORD His God with ALL His heart, soul, mind, and strength, and loved His neighbors as Himself.

He died on a cross, nailed to a tree, for sins that He never committed, the sins of EVERYONE WHO WOULD EVER BELIEVE ON HIM, their sins were imputed to Him, and when the sins of His people were laid on Him to bear, the Father, who is holy, hates sin so much, that even when sin was placed on His only Son, it pleased the Father to crush Him…(Isaiah 53)

The Great Exchange

If you’ve read this far you’re about to understand the title of this post.

“Heaven’s Requirements For Entry: You Must Be As Perfect As Jesus Christ.”

Christ took the believers sin on the cross, but that’s not the rest of the story. That alone, by itself is NOT the good news. Because if all Christ did on the cross was remove your sin, you still couldn’t enter Heaven.
In order to enter Heaven, you must keep the commands of God.
Christ takes the sins of all who would ever believe on Him, AND THEN,

gives to the believer His righteousness.
The 33 years that He lived sinless and God honoring every second of His life are given to you-if you have been born again.
That’s the stipulation, “WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM, will have eternal life.”

So now, you will meet the requirements of Heaven; ABSOLUTE PERFECTION-

because you have been given the perfection of Jesus, and you don’t have to wonder anymore if you’ve been “good enough.” (FYI-you haven’t)

But in Christ, YOU ARE!

Believe in the Son, that He is not only able, but willing to save wretches like us, and give them the requirements needed to enter into His Kingdom with the wedding garments provided by Him.

3 Who may ascend into the hill of the LORD? And who may stand in His holy place?

4 He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to falsehood And has not sworn deceitfully. (Psalms 24:3, NASB)